
Breast is Best, Unless

The decision to breastfeed your baby is a very personal thing. There are so many factors involved from the time you conceive to the time you wean. I’ve been very fortunate that both my girls have been champions at it and I was able to be home with them to provide my milk on demand. Exclusively breastfeeding is a wonderful thing. But I know it’s not for everyone.

I used to think that it was easy and came natural because that was my experience. I thought that anyone who stopped early just wasn’t giving it a fair shot and they were giving up too easily. I know now that’s completely not true. It’s such a different experience for each mother, there’s no right or wrong. This time around I did have some minor setbacks which put me in my place. Being admitted into NICU a week after she was born, Mackenzie didn’t have a full appetite. So all the nurses and doctors were asking me how breastfeeding was going, if my milk had come in, did I want to try formula. It was overwhelming to say the least. I became doubtful of my own abilities to produce milk. I didn’t know if my milk had actually come in because I didn’t feel it the way I remembered with my firstborn. I recalled a tingling rushing sensation starting near my collarbones and going downward into my breasts. I kept waiting for that to happen but it never did. I thought, oh no, maybe my milk DIDN’T come in! I became so nervous and anxious about it. The hospital sent up two lactation consultants to talk to me and assist. As if the anxiety of being in the NICU with your baby isn’t enough, now you have 2 women watching you try to feed your baby, taping tubes and bottles to your breast to supplement what might not be coming out naturally.

After watching and consulting, 1 of the 2 women looked at me and said, I think you’re doing fine. You seem to be producing and your latch is good. Just keep doing what you’re doing. So, my advice to new Mother’s is this. Don’t overthink it! Trust in your body’s ability to do what it was made to do. I know not everyone will have the same experience and that sometimes it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance. But keep at it! If breastfeeding is something that means a lot to you, then keep trying. You will be so happy that you did. But if it doesn’t work out for you, that’s okay. Remember that being flexible is pretty much the key to parenting. So do what works for you.

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